Hard Work is Our Driving Force Towards a Practical Solution


About Us

Who we are.

DISAmerica Consulting Group, Inc. (DISA) is a multidiscipline civil engineering firm established in 2014 that has demonstrated its professional commitment to its clients, including City of Doral, Village of Biscayne Park, City of West Park, Town of Pembroke Park, Town of Medley as well as other governmental agencies such as the Miami Dade Aviation Department (MDAD) and Miami Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces.

A certified firm.

DISA is technically certified with Miami Dade County to provide engineering services as a Small Business ENgineering (SBE Cert. #16334), Small Business Goods/Services (Cert. #16002) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE Cert. #16418) firm.

DISA is currently certified in the following categories:

SBE-Miami Dade County Technical Engineering Categories
3.01Highway Systems-Site Development and Parking Lot Design
3.02BHighway Systems-Minor Highway Design
3.09Highway Systems-Signing, Pavement Marking, and Channelization
4.01Aviation Systems-Engineering Design
6.01Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems-Water Distribution and Sanitary Sewage Collection and Transmission Systems
10.01Environmental Engineering-Stormwater Drainage Design Engineering Services
16.00General Civil Engineering
17.00Engineering Construction Management
25.00Aviation Planning Consulting Services

Our Team

Our Firm's Dedicated Key Staff

José Olivo P.E.

President of DISA

Mr. Olivo is the President of the firm offering over 25 years of combined past experience working in the private and public sector as Design Engineer, Project Manager, City Engineer and Public Works Director.  His career experience includes design and management of a vast number of capital improvement projects in municipal engineering, airport civil infrastructure, infrastructure operations/maintenance, and transit/roadway transportation engineering.

Neyda González leed ap bd+c

Director of DISA

Ms. Gonzalez is the Director of the firm offering 25 years of experience working in aviation planning, civil aviation infrastructure design, municipal civil infrastructure and architectural design.

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We are delighted to assist you! If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact us—we’re here to help.

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